Saturday, July 27, 2013

buzzer beat.

so i came up to a point of doing this. actually it's been a long time since the last time i used vegas vid editor. this is because my lappy doesn't allow me to do editing work. well what could i say, i got a small ram with unqualified processor here. :P but due to i really love all the dramatic scense shown in the jdrama, despite how slow it could be, i'm patient enough to go thru almost everything and voila. here it is. i rendered it 3 times. it wasn't that impressive but i am satisfied for the fact that i've put every beautiful moments together  into a 4 minutes vid. the running scene was fantastic, you know the moment you finally realized you couldn't afford to lose something (or someone) because of something else. and at that point, you have to know your priorities. in order to get something better, you have to let go something else in return. this is some of the good values i've outline from the drama. frankly speaking, i love the story line, how they put both art and sport characters together, except for several adult scenes. --"

besides. the ost is awesome. i enjoy fun, strong with passion audio beats. i always thought that it would make up a really dramatic video if been put up well. and the lyrics. modified a bit by me. just to make it sound pretty.;)

"You only really know a fraction of me"
like when you laugh during my triumph
Your deep voice that I feel as if I heard before I was born
It's enough to serve as the side dish of my life

It's impossible to know absolutely everything
Why is it, then?
That we are so determine to conquer everything...
And desperately seek for perfection
if that's the one point you love, than.. it's fine

Even if it's only one small part of you...
I'm certain it's something I'll adore more than anything
Like the way you knit your eyebrows when you're stressed
Or the serenity i felt when i held you in my arms

If we think we've grasped everything of each other...
We'll surely hurt each other again
What we really need is the wonderful sensation from touching each other (Oh, you're the one)
Having even one point we can continue loving each other with, is enough

Something that only you know (I can't tell)
Something that only I can see (You never know)
They're all real

The fact that everything is a part of something
Why don't we realize it?
If you've found a reason to love someone...
Don't let it be lost (Oh, you're the one)
Having even one point we can continue loving each other with is enough
It's really enough

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

random ptg.

wahh.. ramadhan smp raya ni mmg musim membina masjid. member baiik aku, batchmate, schoolmate semue nak menamatkan zaman bujang masing-masing. rasa sesak nafas kejap tgok berjenis-jenis undangan baitul muslim kat fb ni. Allahurabbi. alhamdulillah, jodoh mereka smp awal. belum kire lg yg dah bertunang, erm mmg x terbilang dgn jari. ak tumpang gembira. ye la, umur 22, bukannya muda sgt pn. dah cantik dah kalau2 nak menyempurnakan sunnah tu :). ape2 pn, barakallah dicuapkan kpd sume mmber2 ak terutama bespren ak nih. ak tau lame dah dr tahun lepas.die geng aku kat maktab dulu, ABLA. tak sangke plak byk plak schoolmate aku yang pada masa yg sama pn nak berbaitul muslim jgak. heeee..kenyang nasik minyak la ak lepas kenyang rendang ngn tupat. apa2 pun, institusi ramadhan dah capai separuh bulan, dah 15 ramadhan. lepas ni dah masuk fasa ke-2 lah. keni giat lagi. kene tekun lg. kena kerah lg. carikla malam seribu bulan tu. IA. td ak baru habis latihan kereta kat TSDC.,alhamdullillah, dah semakin okay kawal stereng, main clutch, imbang minyak bagai. kire agak konfiden di situ nak bawak keta sorang (dalam tamanlah).. haha. nak bawak kat jalan raya, Allahurabbi, mungkin kena latihan lg. JPJ motor ak ditunda tp iA, biiznillah, boleh lulus. lepas ni bolela hurung moto bawak balik ukm. keta mungkin x kot. dalam perkiraan ak JPJ test kereta ak paling awal pn bulan 9. tu pun kena carik lg cuti. nak dijadikan story, lepas habis2 belaja kereta tu, ak dok lua pagar tsdc. kelihatan pakcik makcik dah sesiap bukak pasar ramadhan mini dah. mata sibuk pandang setiap calon keluar dr gate dgn pengajar kat sebelah. leka2 ak tgok tu, ade satu kereta ni, calon die cina, cikgu dia cina gak. tp... MUDA & . dlm hati pikiaq, eh bile plak TSDC hire pengajar muda belia ni yg ak agak2 maybe dlm lingkunagn 25-28. dahlah tu rambut cacak2 ala-ala jpop siap pakai spek hitam lg.T.T". tetibe bibir dah tersengih mcm kerang busuk, eh boleh plak cuci mate kat sini. rezeki2. dlm hati istighfar smbil sebut "jaga mata nadwa, jaga mata" tp mata dok tgok gak cikgu tu lol. maybe kaum bukan sebangsa ni lebih menarik kot nak ditengok. ishk. opps. oklah nak bersiap2 mandi pastu lepak2 kat pasar ramadhan sat. doakan ak lulus cemerlang test JPJ naa. assalamualaikum. footnote: nebes. abis ramadhan, raye tibe. abis raye daftar ukm pule. Allahurabbi,permudahkanla ak & membe2. kurniakan la kesihatan dn smgat yg kuat kpd kami. aaminn.