Tuesday, June 18, 2013


smggu dgr lagu ni sepanjang lerja kat tesco.
dah seminggu tercarik2 title lagu ni.
smp tadi siap tye laluan nak pegi broadcasting room nak tanye tajuk lagu ni,

:). malam ni lena tidur. heee.

Monday, June 17, 2013


it's 10.23pm. i'm still struggling with the 4 enormous gate, put up in square to close the kiosk.i turned to left and right, most of the kiosk owner has already settled home. luckily, takasima member were still there. kak F and J, the chinese guy came and approached me.

"alahai kesiannye adik aku ni," 
kak F said, looking at me struggling with the lock and key. lol. i claimed to her it was tiring. this was due to i still got customer at 10.10pm. and still, i have 'bank-in-money' to do, upstairs- that has made me late in closing the kiosk.
J, the chinese guy then said to me,
"you baru 1st time ke buat ni? takpe, kitaorang tunggu you.." with his mix manglish accent, he spoke to me. it was his first time talking to me, i guessed.
i smiled broadly saying "takpe2.. balik je". and the next thing i knew they were quarelling of who's gonna be the one closing Takasima shop for that day. lol. there were fighting like cats and dogs, and that wasn't the first time i saw it. --"

at last, kak F did it. J is the manager, so i'm pretty sure kak F is the one who suppose to do that job. then i heard kak F asked J ,
"you buat ape lg kat sini? baliklaa.." with a high pitch voice. l-ike how he usually talks to him,,

"haiyaaa... tunggu diala,". lol.i'm  touched again over simple thingys. i'm not sure what kak F replied but the last thing i knew they both left..the moment i finished locking,  mom and dad arrived from upstairs, pushing the trolley filled quarter half with groceries. i smiled, grabbed my bag and return home.

Friday, June 7, 2013


opah. she's staying with us for several days. trying my best to be a good granddaughter, i spend some times chatting with her, get her what she need, asking her if she ever need something or if she's hungry,and then fetch her some food. opah is currently 76 years old, she couldn't see well now. but still, she's able to see if things are in appropriate distance. 

i sat beside opah. she was holding tasbih, smiled broadly looking at me. i was concerned since she spent most of the times in her room. i even asked her to come out, and watch television. of course, she refused telling me  how she can't see clearly now. plus, watching tv is a waste of time. i can't help but being bothered by the fact she might be uncomfortable, or bored since she only stays in her room.

politely, i asked. "opah nak ape2 tak? magazine ke? ape ke?"

"eh toksah2.. opah taknak ape2."

"opah duduk dlm bilik je dr tadi. tak bosan ke? opah buat ape je dari tadi tak kluar2 dr bilik ni?"

"xde bosannye wawa..opah zikir semua mane bosannye. kamu pikior la wawa, kelmarin, lepas solat, biasanye kite pegang quran.lepas maghrib, isyaq, semua.  sekarang mate opah dah xnampak, sedih sgt. awak bukanle tahfiz. tapi tu la, opah hari-hari dok ulang ulang surah yang same. yang mane yang opah ingat. rindu sgt nak bace quran.."

-perak accent : kelmarin=dulu-dulu. awak=saya -

i was touched, and yes, i did really feel sad. i asked opah if by chance i could get her mp3 which i will insert all surah into it so that she can replay everytime she want to hear or recite al-quran.

but of course, she gently refused. opah has a habit that she don't want to burden anybody including her own children. she always tell me that she hoped she wouldn't end up having alzheimer disease, nyanyuk, everything because she knows how much trouble that can be to her daughter and son. that's why she always refused to stay in my aunts and uncles house, and prefer staying in hers although i knew deep in heart, she might felt lonely. who will not? finishing the remaining last time of life alone by herself. late atok has gone so many years ago, back when i was still in primary school. since then, she's been by herself in kampung. although mak pah(aunt) was nearby, still not being in the same house wouldn't make a big different. 

when i looked at opah, i can't help but remeber what Allah has told us in surah Al-Asr. 

"by time, verily man is in loss."

Thursday, June 6, 2013

stocking pagi.

lepas tgok citer KIL semalam, ak semacam rindu ngn lagu ni. so pagi ni lepas subuh lansung pasang!

ak suke estranged ni. band ni ade influence radiohead etc kalau tgok dr pembawaan musik, yeps. read me. this is one local band with excellent music at the level of international in both song's quality and mv. so do KIL. seronok tgok pengarah muda nik amir mustafa lari dr the burden of stupid cliche malay film for ages. lepas KAMI, could say this can be proud of. other than GHOST (8TV). and untuk clip ni, ak suke setting die. yes ak tau mcm ade copy2 sikit dr fanmade creep (radiohead), tp ape slhnye kalau it turns out as good as this kan? ade byk mv yg copy sana copy sini tp resultnye ntah hapeh2. and btw, ak suke minah ni. she did gave me a good impression the first time i saw her in this. ak suke die x poyo gedik mcm actress lain. klu ak jadi laki mesti ak suke minah ni. lol.--"

pst: lg satu ak suke gile storyline mv ni. mcm awesome plotted fairy tale. hahah. dah stgi mengarut ak. ok assalamualaikum:)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



i've been leaving this blog for so long. actually, i couldn't find something interesting to write.literally, it means i'm too lazy to write. plus. i was busy watching all kinds of cooking show on television. u named it. cupcake wars, masterchef celebrity, topchef, 5 rasa, cook to market and also dumex nutrisi at tv3 whatever it is called. it's like i'm being addicted to it. well, to give it a think, it's kind of funny when my fav program on television are all about cooking stuff and sort when my cooking skill is very poor. lol --".

don't worry much. i'm currently making progress on that. been helping mak everyday in the kitchen lately. she even trusted me to do some vegetables dish for our guest. (although she whine a bit when my cooking doesn't smells as good as hers). well i don't blame mak, she always wants the best for her guest. it's sunnah btw.

 “ Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Sesiapa yang beriman dengan Allah dan hari kiamat, maka janganlah dia menyakiti tetangganya. Dan sesiapa yang beriman dengan Allah dan hari kiamat, hendaklah dia memuliakan tetamunya. Dan sesiapa yang beriman dengan Allah dan hari kiamat, hendaklah dia berkata yang baik atau diam.” -Hadih riwayat muslim

and then just now, couple of minutes ago, i've just finished watching masterchef celebrity. this program is like my everyday schedule. tipu sgt, masterchef ade 4 hari je. sabtu smp sls. what i'm trying to say is, i've never even once miss this program since i came back from indonesia. thanks to my sissy, she's the one who's been influencing me on this kind of thing. and just now, they're making pavlova. whoop. i previously watched the recipe in FL's blog,  their pavlova looked just nice and cutey mutey superlicious to-melt-in-the mouth but i must say fatin liyana's won it all. hahah. just take a look at hers and compare. :P

FL's pavlova >> http://honeykoyuki.blogspot.com/2013/04/resipi-pavlova.html

so i want to outline how i've been dying to try out this trifle recipe. but nothing seems to boost me off. luckily, this previous masterchef ep seems to open up my eyes, and blow it right there through my heart, and now i am super ready to give it a go. :)

lemme just paste the link right here.

i'll make sure to post some photos when i've succeed. okay then. let's have a beautiful holiday, guys.
yummylicious trifle. gonna try with some lemon whipped cream because i'm not really a fan of extrasweet thingys. :3
till then. assalamualaikum.