Thursday, June 6, 2013

stocking pagi.

lepas tgok citer KIL semalam, ak semacam rindu ngn lagu ni. so pagi ni lepas subuh lansung pasang!

ak suke estranged ni. band ni ade influence radiohead etc kalau tgok dr pembawaan musik, yeps. read me. this is one local band with excellent music at the level of international in both song's quality and mv. so do KIL. seronok tgok pengarah muda nik amir mustafa lari dr the burden of stupid cliche malay film for ages. lepas KAMI, could say this can be proud of. other than GHOST (8TV). and untuk clip ni, ak suke setting die. yes ak tau mcm ade copy2 sikit dr fanmade creep (radiohead), tp ape slhnye kalau it turns out as good as this kan? ade byk mv yg copy sana copy sini tp resultnye ntah hapeh2. and btw, ak suke minah ni. she did gave me a good impression the first time i saw her in this. ak suke die x poyo gedik mcm actress lain. klu ak jadi laki mesti ak suke minah ni. lol.--"

pst: lg satu ak suke gile storyline mv ni. mcm awesome plotted fairy tale. hahah. dah stgi mengarut ak. ok assalamualaikum:)

1 comment:

Shiela Luddin said...

hakak pon suke tgk citer GHOST giler..:)

owh yer Thanks yer dik sudi singgah belog hakak dan komen di post resepi puding triffle tue...

hermmm pasal kastad tue hakak tak pasti lah dik sebab hakak buat elok jerk kastad dia mengeras...cantik jerk...kwn2/blogger yg follow step2 and tips yang hakak kasi semua respon puding cantik dan sedap...takpe nanti adik cuba lagi yer..:)