Monday, July 30, 2012

good olden days.

i miss the subh star
the one that shone brightly on the west
sparkling without dims and amazingly, it was right there, at the same place, everytime we went to as-salam for subh prayer
it was one of a kind
probably the star is dead by now
it was so huge that i thought i can just reach for it by hand

i miss the rain
the rain hasn't fallen here in bandung, quite a long time
i love everything about rain. the smell, the dropping sound of rain
beads by beads
flawless and peaceful
it was my natural mind therapy.
for me, rain is uncinditional special gift from Him
subhanallah :')

i miss the sunrise 
it'll be good to watch the sunrise, and take in the morning breeze
looking at the paddy field just behind our house
and a light jog and exercise would be better than nice
while waiting for the sun to come out
those precious time in pangalengan
when we watch the sunrise together will never be forgotten
if i could repeat the time, i would

i miss painting the gorgeous night sky fulled with stars
i miss the view on top of hill during morning 
i miss the beautiful sunset fall down with orange and red colours mixed together

those days are as good as it is
just like a cup of hot coffee  
it is filled with warmth and cozy feeling...

those good times playing UNO. :')

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

sad. is a must!

hakikatnya dengan berasa sedih itu berjaya membawa kita kepada Allah :')
jadi di suatu masa di Akhirat kelak, akan kita bersyukur dgn kesedihan itu.
i am happy with this sadness:)

Allah lukis bintang byk sgt subuh tadi, so sweet:). hilang sedih tadi. alhamdulillah...

Friday, July 20, 2012

that beautiful ramadhan is coming..

the beautiful ramadhan is coming
the ramadhan i was waiting and miss so much
the ramadhan i said to myself
that this ramadhan will never leave just like that
every second and minutes should be appreciated
and filled with every love and tears
towards Him
and only Him.

Allahu Allah :')

faculties of medicine, UNPAD. dear Allah, may this ramadhan is filled with barakah to all of us. ameenn.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

soul and light

“Part of the perfection of one’s faith is his leaving that which does not concern him.” – Prophet Muhammad (as reported in Tirmidhi)

It will keep hurting you, until you let go and there remains nothing in the heart but Him.
Once that happens you will no longer love for your own sake. Everything you want, love, or hate will be for, through and by Him.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Allahu Allah :')

Sunday, July 15, 2012

i am XX, not XY

Humans are humans. they are prone to make mistakes. they're vulnerable to make lots of mistakes. but what really counts is whether they're learn a lesson or not after every mistake, made.

so you see. it's not my first time making mistakes. honestly i don't think making mistakes is something that is's a process of reaching maturity, and a process of finding who and what we are. but what i'm trying to highlight here is how we react to those mistakes. some people would be dragged down to the bottom of the world just because of one inappropriate step and path she/he has choosed. sometimes, it wasn't that biggie deal, but we tend to think about it over and over again and we're the one whom dragged ourselves to that level of inferiority.

in a nutshell, positive thinking is a must here. to be a successful and great moslem. and also to be a better man both in every aspects of life and ofcourse, hereafter. and so that we'll take everything in this world as a chance to improve ourselves.

final words. If you feel that you're very down. Just close your eyes and say, 
"This is my journey. He puts me here. It's HIS plan. So, I have to carry on and trust HIM." Thank you Allah :').

la tahzan innallaha ma'ana :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

berjalan-jalan menambah ilmu di pagi hari, terserempak dengan tulisan seorang senior yang cukup aku kagumi. meskipun kurang mengenalinya. huhu.

moga2 yang terbaca terase, kite same2 terase dan mendaki anak tangga itu memperkasa diri untuk mencari syurgaNya. peace :).

Thursday, July 12, 2012


i'll hide. in between my shadows.
i was afraid of the unspoken truth
afraid it might waver again
afraid my decision was not rigid, and even a simple blow might ruin it,
i was running so hard before.
i don't want to run anymore.
i wasn't comfortable, i was stucked in this unpleasant position of mine.
i will not blame the star(s) for twinkling so fine and beautifully
it was me who let the glow's hurt my eyes.
but it will never get through my heart.

i enjoy listening to bedroom sanctuary recently :). this bro is cool isn't he? ;)

Friday, July 6, 2012

if you want to talk to Allah.
read the Quran,
if you want Allah to talk to you.

oh Allah, it feels really empty inside.
i was too far, forgive all my sins. :')

Thursday, July 5, 2012


ya Tuhanku, jadikan aku adil dalam menilai sesuatu, meletakkan segalanya pada tempatnya.
kerana aku risau
andai kata hati ini bukan membenci kemaksiatan
tetapi membenci sang pelakunya.
andai kata hati ini merelakan keburukan
dengan alasan sudah menjadi kebiasaan dunia hari ini
bencikan aku pada dosa, Tuhanku
dan bukan pada si pelakunya
tanamkan rasa sayang kepada saudara seagamaku
supaya kelak tidak aku dipersoalkan atas sesuatu
bukakan pintu-pintu hati kami
agar sentiasa mekar mewangi cinta kepadaMu
agar terarah segala-galanya padaMu
agar tidak lagi aku membenci atau merelakan sesuatu bukan pada tempatnya.

semoga Allah redha dan menjagamu.

kalaulah ada clorox hati super pantas untuk bersihkan hati yang hitam ni... T.T