Saturday, July 14, 2012

berjalan-jalan menambah ilmu di pagi hari, terserempak dengan tulisan seorang senior yang cukup aku kagumi. meskipun kurang mengenalinya. huhu.

moga2 yang terbaca terase, kite same2 terase dan mendaki anak tangga itu memperkasa diri untuk mencari syurgaNya. peace :).


shishi the great said...

Hi, hehe I just gotta ask you... you're studying in UNPAD right?

aqeyLs said...

hehe. yup. my final year here. :)).
what course will u b taking and which program are u in?

is it the same as mine ^_^?

shishi the great said...

I'll be in the international medic course :-) I need your advice! can you give me some tips on what I should bring to indon? also anything else I should prepare? I'm so confused whether I should bring an iron or a kettle and all that... kedai dia jauh tak? should I bring a mirror too? lol I'm so sorry for all these questions but it would really help! :-)

aqeyLs said...

haha, when will u be going?
i'll make an entry insyaAllah . but just so u know, it was really fun studying medic here compared to Malaysia. u have less to worry about and u hv more 'life' here. hehe.

heyy, it's not like there's nothing here. the place u'll be staying called jatinangor, it has it's own mall so no need to worry. u can get ur daily things there. but for iron and kettle or sort, there are water heater here. my 1st year i din use any kettle sort. for iron, erm.u can bring it or u can always buy it here,. it's cheaper though. :)

i'll give u proper answer when i'm free :). congratulations btw^_^

shishi the great said...
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shishi the great said...
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