Saturday, May 31, 2014


final's over.
but literally it doesn't. could feel my heart skipped a beat this coming friday when our anticipated result will finally come out.
still, there's this one posting i literally should go through in certain.
and for the coming years, i still hv to go thru that one particular postg again.
yeap, read me. it'S O&G
and that's for sure.
internal medicine and community medicine, i really hoped we have done the best we could do and it's enough. u'll never know until it's been written black and white on paper.
until then, u live in the world full of questions but without a fixed answer.
there's always something unanswered lingering through ur days until that very time.
and the best thing we could do now, are both dua and tawakkal.
may He make it easy for us and we finally step on 4th year and the last year without problem, without having ourselves to repeat any of the postings. may we passed with flying colours for all the posting(s) that left. Amin.

and here i am. still in the front of same old window pane.

nobody's home. the last person left several hours ago. 
i'd always enjoyed the feeling of being with myself and no one else. i can feel contented of being alone, without having to care about anyone or anything else.
well that doesn't mean i dislike company. it's just that this moment means a lot for people who really can see on the other site.
listening to my favorite mellow jam, and sometimes even pluck the string just to get into the mood.
and literally, u know u are never alone
there's always Him.

really need ur dua too, guys. pls pray for us.

thanks for every good words given.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


the fact that i go through my day and felt heavy hearted over certain situation;
i really deserve a good slap right on my face
somebody could u hit me so hard that i will overlooked all the unimportant things
and started to prioritize what should be top on the list
and discard away all the unimportant what not

.and then i ended up writing here, thinking of tomorrow where i'll be cycling early in the morning, with good tracks stuff in both of my ears;
well that doesn't rhyme, at least it makes me happy :)
join me, what says you?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

scarves on.

assalamualaikum. not to mention in the hope of everybody is aware of it, ramadhan is just around the corner. i was doing some reading thruout facebook homepage, when one of my friend came out with this.

personally, i thought it was a brilliant fresh idea. there are lots of hijabs i hv had in my closet, some of it are still brand new, yet i did not wear it much. there are only certain hijabs i usually wear, and most of it are syrias. so if i could give it to people who need it the most, i will be more than satisfied. just imagine, if u donate ur hijabs, and somebody wear it, the prices are countless. it was beautiful too, to have someone u never knew, related in the bond of 'islam' wearing something u previously owned. isn't it? i was once an active blogger,  i wondered how i've never came out with ideas like this though. --"

lets just cut it short. so if u guys wanted to join, donate ur hijabs, just click here for more informations.

spread the love everyone and donate ur hijabs dear hijabees..salam ramadhan.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

wild flower

i found this sooo hardd to erase. both the songs and the mv. at the end of the song, it's like something was left untold, something so deep that lingers at the very deep of your heart, intertwined with fated misunderstanding, unresolved yet unerased, even when time pass by ; literally so much time pass by.

melancholic much? well, it's just me in the middle of the night.

illa : white flower that reminds you of your first love -juniel-

Sunday, May 11, 2014

to my mother and all moms' in the world :)

saying words i love you
is not the words i want to hear from you.

just a recap
and btw u'd shown me more than enough how gigantic ur love is. so this song just don't fit but somehow it rings  a bell somewhere. hee. it's just a lame-o thought of mine.

i love you very much mak. 
there's no word that could describe how much i love u. 
may Allah granted you & us jannah :') 


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


the awkward moment when u literally add somebody in facebook
just to find out he/she's online but did not approve your request
i'll never do this again --"
thiss is too much of embarassment for mankind.

Friday, May 2, 2014

kali pertama

hari ni buat kali pertama
mata terkebil-kebil 
basah tepi hujung mata
buat kali pertama
tunggu azan tepi tingkap 
dalam gelap
pertama kali dengar azan dalam dalam
lepas azan cepat-cepat cari stokin
buat kali pertama 
pergi surau
dalam surau tiada siapa, pelik
hujung ade seorang perempuan
tuduh labuh warna hitam
baju merah
buku berselerakan di tepinya
kusyuk mentelaah
berhati-hati, tegur dia

"err memang hari ni tak ramai orang jemaah ke kat sini?"

bibir terukir senyum, segan
die dongak, senyum lagi

"nanti lepas iqamat baru ramai. orang dtg lepas iqamat selalunye.."

lembut manis sahaje tuturnya
muka serba salah. bibir dia macam nak cakap sesuatu

"err dari mana? student sini ke?"

"student sini. hukm."

"tahun brapa? medic?"

"3rd year..medic"

"ohh tak pernah nampak pun.."

bibir senyum lagi. segan. aku segan dia segan.

"ini kali pertama.. kali pertama datang sini. sebelum ni tak pernah."

masing2 terdiam putus bicara. segan keduanya. senyum sajalah.

iqamat. tibe2. die bingkas bangun
dicapai sejadah dari hujung surau lalu dihulurkan kepadaku. 


katanya sambil tersenyum.