Tuesday, May 20, 2014

scarves on.

assalamualaikum. not to mention in the hope of everybody is aware of it, ramadhan is just around the corner. i was doing some reading thruout facebook homepage, when one of my friend came out with this.


personally, i thought it was a brilliant fresh idea. there are lots of hijabs i hv had in my closet, some of it are still brand new, yet i did not wear it much. there are only certain hijabs i usually wear, and most of it are syrias. so if i could give it to people who need it the most, i will be more than satisfied. just imagine, if u donate ur hijabs, and somebody wear it, the prices are countless. it was beautiful too, to have someone u never knew, related in the bond of 'islam' wearing something u previously owned. isn't it? i was once an active blogger,  i wondered how i've never came out with ideas like this though. --"

lets just cut it short. so if u guys wanted to join, donate ur hijabs, just click here for more informations.

spread the love everyone and donate ur hijabs dear hijabees..salam ramadhan.

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