Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

ultimate random

this is ultimately random post.


i'm not a gadget freak person you could easily meet one nowadays. In fact, i don't even know for sure whether the latest model of iphone is 6 or 7. the truth is, i don't give a damn on it. that's why when my sister borrowed my phone to text somebody in view of her pitiful running out of credit once, she was merely insane and frustrated upon how lousy my phone is. for the record, i'm using Lenovo A680.

To be extra frank here, to have the latest updated gadget was the least of my concern. as long as my current phone can make and receive call, applicable on internet & whatsapp that should be enough no matter how lousy it is. seriously, sometimes i get irritated too. not because of the outdated model and brand, but due to the annoying insensitive screen pad. but still, changing phone at the moment was not on my to-do list.  i'm not joking, my screen key pad is so insensitive that when you're playing candy crush, you ended up swapping other candies on the opposite direction instead. sometimes, you could be another step on winning and move on to the next level; you just have to swap the correct candies; chocolate ball candy to the stripes candy beside it. but in the end you swapped the candy above it;and great that was your last move! so boo hoo hoo, u don't managed to collect all bears, or eat all chocolates, let alone climbing to the next level. that's when u get extremely irritated entangled with hatred with ur phone.  but i tried to get use to it. through some practice  and patience, i can play candy crush like other normal ppl on my phone. HA HA.