Tuesday, February 28, 2012

foodtothink.forme. foryou.forus.whom desired jannah. amin. AllahuRabbi.

these, kind of floating in my mind
like a thin air, getting bigger, heavier and right now, suffocate me.
unable to ctach my breath, pricking on that very part in one pinpoint of my heart
agressively, day by day..

i've lived for 21 years untill now (praised to Allah)
what have i contributed to Islam for all this time?

i believed Islam is rising.
and people in in the end of the world would be divided into 3 groups:
1. ppl who denied and against the rising of Islam
2. ppl who just sit and watching, didn't help nor stop
3. ppl whom help in bringing Islam to the top, contributers.

and what would i be?
and you..
what have u been contributed in ISLAM for all this time?...

jiwang second part.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

jiwang. as it is.

photo by: hanif
editing : me

when a picture hold thousands of meanings
and the value quality from a single moment captured
that tells millions of stories
about you ..
and me.

and that is called memories. 


ya Allah
jgn jadikan dunya itu sesuatu yang besar bagiku.
jangan biarkan diriku sibuk dgn perkara-perkara yg membawa aku jauh dari syurgaMu


Friday, February 24, 2012


i've blogwalked and found this. and i want to write about it. 

there are certain people, you met thruout ur life, and u loved them, simply not because of something
u just can't rather decribed nor explained the actual reasons why you loved them
not because they did something to you.
and not because they're someone special to you.
not beacause they treat you differently
you just simply love them
maybe because He loves them and He has simply put the love in your heart, towards them
or maybe because you love them due to their love towards Islam
and you mistaken the love as admiration.
or both.

and whatever reasons behind it, it's not a bad thing.
uhibbukifillah, that should be the right words.
uhibbukifillah ukhti wa akhi. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

somebody call it as dream, but i interpret it as du'a. ;)

carilah untukmu seorang imam, bukan semata-mata seorang jejaka..

then i think again.
mesti sweet kalau ckp macam ni instead of "will you marry me?", msti comel je ckp..

"will you be my imam?"

then he replied,

"and then i'll lead you thruout the life, and we'll hold hands together towards Him, 
finding the jannah..."


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

a tale of goat and wolf.

i heard a story. about a goat and a wolf.
i don't want to be the goat.
i don't want anyone to become a wolf either.
wind. please blow faster. stronger.
i'm worried. it's getting bigger. and heavier.
pls carry these away as you blow. far. far away from me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

monoloqu.e part 2.

i won't let u notice,
i'm smiling in between my glance.
when i throw away the looks out of you.
cause i won't let u know. what lies inside.
i hope this wind will blow, and brought this things away. far. from me.

this is the test Allah gave to me. i try my best not to fail.
and in the end u'll never gonna make it!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


thinngs aren't going as we planned.
la tahzan.
true. i'm breaking down right now.
oh Allah make me strong.
make me strong.
make me strong.


Monday, February 13, 2012

ini aku.

humans are prone to make mistakes,
but pls respect me this one thing.
don't pity me;
it make me feel helpless when i'm not.

Allah itu sebaik-baik penolong & nothing else. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012


i always wondered..

"How do we become strong, without being hard, and remain soft, without being weak?"

Friday, February 10, 2012

talking to the moon.

it's a relieved.
He had taken those feeling from me.
i saved the best for the best:)
still i haven't got rid of this jealousy. haha.poor me. 

but true. it's a relieved.
alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah.

disappear & disappear
off u may go.
my heart is for my Lord, my Love & my Creator.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


malam ni aku jumpa banyak ayat2 sweet.
mcm gula2 kapas. mungkin lebih.
untuk hati sepahit kopi hitam, sepedih hirisan bawang merah.
ya akhi ya ukhti tak mengapakan share? jzkk :)

wahai diri..
tidak mengapa untuk kehilangan cinta duniawi yang sementara,jika pertukarannya adalah 
cinta dari Ilahi yang hakiki..allahurabbi..

mungkin buat masa ni kita x leh maen2 sentuh2..cumanya kite buleh menyentuh hati  masing2 dengan doa bukan?.... 

kejar akhirat! dunia akan kejar kita...

                        Never let your day pass without remembering Allah 

Kentalkanlah hubungan dengan Allah.
Di situ ada jalan keluar untuk setiap masalah.

paling sweet..


nite. assalamualaikum.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

when u feel damn suffocated inside
your mind is tired of thinking and ur heart is restless and uncalm
with incomplete unexplainable burn out of fire
and your eyes tired of producing, and working
and u know u seriously u need some (much) ejection of Love from Him
u seriously need rohaniah food for feeding.

alhamdulillah for this endlessly 'love potion' from you, My Lord.
alhamdulillah for all these tears i pour 
alhamdulillah for making me realise what i should and not to,
dragging me dumbfounded and bring me up again.
only to You i should turn, and no one else, and nothing else.

alhamdulillah :')

Sunday, February 5, 2012


it's ok.
for the unfairness
for the accuse & for the blame.
as long as it is not true.
i've got nothing to lose

dear, we're not here to judge among ourselves
it's His job;


ya Rasulullah. :')

hebatnya Rasulullah merindui umatnya yang masih belum ada ketika itu.
hebatnya Rasullulah mencintai umatnya yang tidak pernah dilihat
sweetnye Rasulullah.
hebat cintanya kepada umatnya.
sehingga sebelum menghembus nafasnya yang terakhir juga,
umatnya yang disebut, diiingati.
dirisaukan. didoakan.
ya Rasulullah
hebatnya cintamu. besarnya cintamu. 
ya Rasulullah
kami umatmu, umat akhir zaman
yang tidak pernah melihat wajahmu, saban hari merinduimu
semoga kita dapat bertemu di Masyar kelak
ya Rahman ya Rahim,
jadikan aku hambaMu yang termasuk dalam golongan yang dirindui Rasulullah itu.
jadikan aku hambaMu yang sentiasa memujiMu dan berselawat ke atas Rasulku

ayuh selawat!
semoga mendapat syafaat Rasulullah di Akhirah kelak.

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Saturday, February 4, 2012


and if there is special somebody exist in life, be sure to keep him / her for life. :')-yumi

as you wave your hand that says 'someday let's meet again," 
your smiling face is eternally burn into my memory
my face which replied 'that's right'
i wonder if i was able to laugh convincingly? convincingly...

though i still cannot hand over the ball with 'i love you' written on it
it rolls in my chest and tickles, deep. down.
even if we can't remain like this
and even if we are washed away by future
it can never change, it can never become tainted
this canvas just for us 

your response of 'i'm sorry..'
i looked at it & continue walking on & searching
even if the words 'i love you' written on the ball will fade..
i didn't have the strength to throw it or sneakiness to get rid of it

within time which passes by
beneath the sky that continue changing
these chain's i'll never forget will never break
and will probably turn into strength

it seems so easy to tear like the clouds
and it's impossible to catch like the rainbow
we can never return, it can never be tainted
that blue canvas of ours..

love, and dreams, and the last train and..
everything that mixed up as we chase it
you says 'it hurts.' when i grip your hand
love, and dreams, and your tearful voice, was my life's everything
i was looking in your eye. but true.
i could never say it..

even if we can not remain like this
and even if we are washed away by the future
it can never changes, it's not a lie
that we are able to meet right now
eventhough i was free as bird
i was lonely as the wind
we can never return, it can't be tainted as well
the painted tears of canvas
this canvas that's just for us

|canvas-ken hirai|

even if we can not remain like this, and even if we are washed away by future

it will never change, it can never be tainted

our moment painted in canvas...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

some note.


some random thought

of course la kan!
why afraid..
if we have ALLAH?
la tahzan.