Tuesday, February 28, 2012

foodtothink.forme. foryou.forus.whom desired jannah. amin. AllahuRabbi.

these, kind of floating in my mind
like a thin air, getting bigger, heavier and right now, suffocate me.
unable to ctach my breath, pricking on that very part in one pinpoint of my heart
agressively, day by day..

i've lived for 21 years untill now (praised to Allah)
what have i contributed to Islam for all this time?

i believed Islam is rising.
and people in in the end of the world would be divided into 3 groups:
1. ppl who denied and against the rising of Islam
2. ppl who just sit and watching, didn't help nor stop
3. ppl whom help in bringing Islam to the top, contributers.

and what would i be?
and you..
what have u been contributed in ISLAM for all this time?...

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