Monday, May 21, 2012

i got few days off. before starting new semester with new system. of course, i felt half of 'us' incomplete for the fate that has been decided but i believed with all my heart that Allah planning's is the best. sometimes we might hate what've been good to us. i forgot which surah is that but i'm pretty sure it all written in. i knew words can sometimes be wrong, (most of the times act) but i just want to say that deepest my heart, i knew both of you can do it, and if Allah has choosen both of you, there will always be 'hikmah' behind.

dear friends, have faith :). bright future awaits, doctor!

footnote: i was planning to make a short stories for these remaining days of my holidays. wish me luck:)


diyana said...

gewdluck ma dear fwen!!! :)


aqeyLs said...

muehheeheee.. thnx diii :p