Monday, April 8, 2013

a little note

i'll be sitting for GUS remedial the day after tomorrow. i discussed it with several doctors. i just highlight what i heard from one of the noble dr i've known; dr Ike. one lovely strong hearted women, whom right now living with only one kidney:'). she advised me to sit for remedial exam MDE with good soca marks. but she pointed out that it doesn't mean i shouldn't take exam with poor soca marks, it's just that the chances to increase my grade is harder and smaller. i'm kind of dissapointed since i didn't do quite well in GUS but my soca wasn't that good as well. (i got C+ for GUS). in the end, i put one tick in RESP system remedial exam. 

going home, i think much. i take a good look in my marks and do some counting. and then i ended up texting doc tina. my friend did help me a lot, support me in everything i do. 

and there go my decision.

"doc bisa ga saya nambah subjek?" 

a replied came, fast. "bisa. mau nambah apa?"

my face brighten. i was delighted to hear how pleased doc tina was, hearing such from me. 

"mau nambah GUS dan PHOP 6 doc. :) makasih doc"

i did that not because i'm not satisfied, nor i want to increase my pointer so badly. it is just because of my own satisfaction. at the very least, i've given my best, isn't it. yang lain2 tu belakang kira, semua urusan Dia kan? i'm the only one who sit for phop 6. LOL. 

and alhamdulillah, it is still fresh in my mind the time my face turn white my hands cold and shaky knowing the soca result will burden my mde marks during judicium 1. and beautifully,  He has planned everything unexpectedly perfect that keep me smiling the whole day and felt grateful no words can describe much. :') 
thank you Allah. <3.

my dear, He planned everything perfectly. so don't be insecure, don't worry to much, In Sha Allah He will ease everything you'll never know. just don't forget to keep your dua since that is our strongest weapon and work hard as well. you'll always get my dua :).

because the big picture will only be shown after some time :)

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