Friday, March 23, 2012


somehow, i wish i'll be rainbow instead.
and my presence will make others happy
my presence will gives hopes.
 (you know rainbow always appear after rain, which means a new start and new hope)
my presence will curve a smile on each other face
my presence will calm every fire burn inside
my presence will be the nice and soothing fragrance for people in every way
my presence will let each of us struggle towards jannah
my presence will give good and no harms.
my presence will be one of the sweetest thing that people will not forget and treasure in their heart

that is some reflection i found in others.
that in any way they make me smile just by looking towards them
and i've to admit, in the deepest of my heart, i wish for that kind of 'reflection'
to be reality.

oh btw. just want to state for no reasons, i just feel like stating such. (cz this morning i saw ppl post this at their skype status..hehe)

i kind of adore and attracted to people who have these 2 qualities, guitar and futsal. and with 1 dominance, religiousity.

kseeya.thnx. :)


myword said...

u'll b d reflection if u really want it. back to ur heart. insyaAllah, kalo kita yakin itu terbaik untuk diri kita, Allah itu Maha Mendengar in single word that u said in ur heart.kita manusia biasa yang mungkin suatu hari nanti akan buat people around us rasa kita luar biasa dengan nur yg Dia bagi...insyaAllah...

aqeyLs said...

alhamdulillah. syukran ukhti..

hurm.. may Allah bless u always :)

amin.. ^_^

pst: anda ni kawan matrik saye yg duduk sebelah bilik sy kan? hehe